'StyleReview Selection'

At wfX FashReview, reachable via wfx-review.style, we greatly value our viewers' confidentiality. Our Privacy Policy details the categories of data collected, recorded by wfX FashReview, and their usage.

Should you need more details or have queries about my collection of fashion and style reviews, reach out to wfX FashReview.

This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website with regards to the information that they shared and/or collect in domain. This policy is not applicable to any information collected offline or via channels other than this website. Our Privacy Policy was created with the help of the Free Privacy Policy Generator.


By accessing wfX FashReview, you agree to our Review Policy and accept its conditions.

Styl&Fash ReviewSelctn

The selection of fashion and style reviews you are asked to participate in, and the reasons for your participation, will be explained when we request your involvement in our review process.

When you share your fashion and style reviews with us, we may receive details such as your username, email, type of clothes you review, your rating, any images or comments you attach, and any other fashion-related information you offer.

Upon subscribing to wfX FashReview, we may request details like name, interests in style trends, email address, and contact number for a custom fashion review experience.

"Your FashReview choices"

We utilize our fashion & style review selection in diverse manners:

  • Curate, manage, update style reviews
  • Refine, tailor, and grow our style reviews.
  • Evaluate your interaction with my Style Reviews.
  • Expand selection of fashion and style critiques.
  • Connect with you, personally or via partners, to give you updates, assist with queries about our variety of fashion and style reviews, and for marketing purposes.
  • StylRvws
  • Pick Best Style Reviews


WfX FashReview follows a systematic process of maintaining selection logs. These logs record users when they interact with our fashion and style reviews. All review platforms do this as part of their data analytics services. The data collected via selection logs include the products chosen, user preference, frequency of interaction, date and time stamp, referred/exited reviews, and potentially, the number of views. These logs do not contain any personally identifiable information. The objective of the data is to analyze fashion trends, manage the review platform, track user behavior across reviews, and collect demographic information.

Styl&Fash Review Picks

Just like any other platform, wfX FashReview employs 'cookies'. These cookies store information such as users' interests and the fashion or style reviews they've viewed or interacted with on our site. This info aids us in refining our users' experience by personalizing review content based on their preferences and other data.

"Choice of Style & Fashion Reviews"

Refer to this list for reviews of each fashion & style selection on wfX FashReview.

Third-party platforms utilize technologies like cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons in connection with fashion and style reviews displayed on wfX FashReview. These are transmitted directly to your browser upon access and may capture your IP address automatically. These technologies are exploited to analyze the efficacy of their review display strategies and/or to tailor the review content you encounter based on your preferences and visits.

Note: FashReview has no control over the selection or use of style reviews by third parties.

"Style & Fashion Reviews"

WfX FashReview's Privacy Policy isn't applicable to other fashion review platforms or sites. Hence, we recommend you to check the individual Privacy Policies of these third-party style reviewers for more comprehensive info. This could cover their procedures as well as ways to deselect certain features.

You can choose to not display my collection of fashion and style reviews. More detailed instructions for this setting on specific websites can be found on their respective pages. Check out wfX FashReview.

Fashion Review Choices (Do Not Share My Preferences)

"Explore fashion & style reviews curated for your taste at wfX FashReviews."

Ask wfX FashReview to reveal the categories of fashion/style opinions they've gathered, and the specific content of each consumer's review.

"Kindly eliminate any records of my fashion and style reviews from your FashReview database."

"Request FashReview not to sell my selection of fashion and style reviews data."

If interested in my fashion and style reviews, feel free to contact me. Please allow a month for an answer.

Select-Style Review

Assure yourself of every insight regarding selection of fashion & style reviews. Each reader has the right to the following:

The right to access І‚њ You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification І‚њ You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure І‚њ You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing І‚њ You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing І‚њ You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability І‚њ You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If interested in my fashion and style reviews, feel free to contact me. Please allow a month for an answer.

Style&Fash Reviews

An essential aspect of wfX FashReview is featuring an array of fashion and style reviews. We suggest our readers to actively participate, observe, and direct their fashion choices guided by us.

wfX FashReview does not purposely gather personal identifiable data from users under 13. If it's believed that information from a child has been submitted in our fashion and style reviews, we urge the parents to reach out to us promptly. We assure you immediate removal of such data from our records.